Friday, November 16, 2007

Thing 7

What did I do before Google? The vast barren wasteland of nothingness that was online information pre-Google teases my memory...when I thought dogpile and askjeeves were the ultimate search engines! How naive I was in my information immaturity! Enough of that, let me just say that Google has changed my life! As I like to tell students in the library, I google all the live-long day but I don't want them to! Use those databases, kids! But since I'm not doing homework, Google is my number one way to get information. Of course, now it is obvious that Google is planning world domination: it can organize my thoughts (Google Notebook), my life (Google Calendar), my news (Google Alerts), my photos (Picasa Photo Album), and my computer (iGoogle). I really like Google Notebook: I've started a noteook on my Spring Break Trip 2008. Phyllis started a notebook that she and I are sharing. I liked the iGoogle page which is not dissimilar to the page on my home computer but I love the nifty little "to do" gadget which might help me organize my life. I started a Google calendar but probably won't use it much; I still much prefer to chart my life on a paper calendar. Forget Google Alerts. I started CNN Alerts two summers ago and still can't figure how to stop them! I divert them to a Junk folder which I eventually empty. I absolutely can find no link or way to stop them. I don't need alerts in my life, anyway. I'm the kind of kid who felt sure the Russians were attacking everytime the tv announcer intoned "We interrupt this program..." I'm sure Picasa is fine but I've started with Flickr and don't need multiple photo albums. Let me just end this by saying I will use Google Notebook and iGoogle because I am a Google gal!

1 comment:

mmw said...

I've been using Google notebook to keep track of things I see that I want to blog about. It is a handy little tool!